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Sabemos quem é O Artista e Arquiteto de nossas vidas. Essa torre que contamos acima somos nós. Nós éramos como um projeto. Fomos lançadas ao chão. Custou para a torre subir! A ilustração não teve um fim como muitos esperavam, um “e a torre cresceu, subiu e lá está, linda e grande!” Não. Nós, a torre, somos um projeto que ainda não teve um fim. Estamos em processo de progresso. O Senhor tem trabalhando constantemente em nossas vidas. Se chegamos aqui, se hoje estamos nesse estado, nada veio de nós mesmas. Mas, tudo o que temos e tudo o que somos vieram do Senhor. É Ele o Verdadeiro Arquiteto das nossas vidas. Rendemos-nos a Ele. Lançamo-nos ao chão e de lá fomos erguidas. Para a Glória do Nome dele!
Queridos, queremos passar a seguinte mensagem à vocês: não importa se você está na fase dos “vergalhões” ou das pedras, talvez até na fase da planta. Creia, tenha fé! Seu Arquiteto é Competente o bastante e não vai descansar até te ver lá, grande, firme e alto. Lembrem-se sempre: qualquer torre, por mais alta que seja, elas começaram do chão. Sua ‘subida’ não é fácil, não é um processo rápido. Pelo contrário. Grandes coisas levam tempo, esforço e amor para chegarem ao estado final. Onde todos possam contemplá-la. Sejamos então grandes torres onde as pessoas vejam a Glória do Senhor em nós. Aleluia!
Com todo o nosso agradecimento ao Senhor, por ter sonhado conosco, por ter concedido Seu tempo para trabalhar nesse projeto que somos nós. Agradecemos a Ele por toda a capacitação que Ele nos concedeu. Nada vem de nós. Tudo vem dEle, é para Ele e por Ele em nossas vidas!"
Por: Mateus (@__ThewsSilva)
"An architect decided to build a tower. Before he builds, he designed, planned, set each line connecting each point. In other words, He worked hard on this project. We were like this" plant. "The Architect was giving life to your Plan. extended masonry, placing stones, rebar ... Anyway. The tower cost to stay as planned, cost to be raised. much work to be erected! But The Architect was (is) responsible, not yielded! Many days passed, many things have changed, the tower was going up, taking shape, size. came the days of rain, thunder, wind ... And so, the tower continued to rise. Despite many changes of time, despite numerous revisions to the Architect when something was wrong prevent the progress of the tower, despite the criticism that of others , nothing would prevent him from working and continue what he had started. To him nothing was more important than turning your project into reality, your way.
We know who is the Artist and Architect of our lives. This tower, which we have above us. We were like a project. We were thrown to the ground. Cost to climb the tower! The illustration was not an end as many expected, a "the tower grew,and there she is, beautiful and great!" We, a tower, a project that we have not had an end. We are in the process of progress. The Lord is constantly working in our lives. If we got here, today we are in this state, nothing came of ourselves. But all we have and everything we came from the Lord. He is the true architect of our lives. surrender him, thrown to the ground and we raised. For the Glory of His Name!
Dear, we want to pass the following message to you: whether you're at the stage of "rebar" or stones, perhaps even at the stage of the plant. Believe, have faith! Its architect is competent enough and will not rest until I see you there, big, firm and high. Always remember: no tower, no matter how high it is, they started from the ground. His 'climb' is not easy, is not a quick process.on the contrary. Great things take time, effort and love to reach the final state. Where everyone can look at it. So let us be large towers where people see the glory of the Lord in us.
With all our thanks to the Lord, to have dreamed us, for giving your time to work on this project that we are. We thank Him for all He has given us capacitate. Nothing comes from us. Everything comes from Him is for Him and for Him in our lives! "
by; Mateus (@__ThewsSilva)
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